
Our follow up activity took place on the 30th of January in Salesian High School in Wrocław, Poland. For the project we gathered a few classes of students between ages 15-18 y.o. and organized a meeting with activities entitled "Gender Gap and Gender Discrimination in the world". During this meeting we discussed with the students various aspects of the problem such as:

  • types of discrimination
  • gender discrimination - what is it
  • differences between genders
  • the difference in meaning between gender and sex
  • gender discrimination in workplace and labor market
  • how society sees us accordingly to our gender - gender stereotypes

We involved them in our presentation. There was a place for a discussion about each of the points above where they could share their personal experience and freely ask questions if such appeared. Our main goal was not only to introduce this subject to our peers but also to let them know that their voice is being heard, that what they think and what they say matters. We set some extra goals accordingly to the needs of the high school society such as to:

  • show young people the benefits of Erasmus projects
  • help them realize that the change starts with us
  • make them believe in their own willpower
  • explain the importance of YouthPass for their future career
  • encourage them to explore the world and make it as they want it to be

Our meeting ended with a quiz about gender discrimination, which gave students the additional knowledge of some little known facts and engaging them in the situation. We also used different digital forms (film, PowerPoint presentation etc.) in the spirit of new learned skills and experience gathered during Ersamus+ Youth Training project we participated in.

Links of dissemination of the project


What our participants told us about the project

Piotr: In the beginning of January 2023, I took part in the Erasmus+ project titled GENDED GAP, about gender inequalities, in Porto, Portugal. During the project we looked at different aspects of life where we can find examples of inequalities. I took part in different activities from those which have taken place in our place in Gandra and outside this place. During the project I've got involved in social debate about gender inequalities and other types of differences of life conditions. There were also cultural nights which gave us an opportunity to get to know each other countries and integrate. I'm glad I had an opportunity to join the project and actively participate in it.

Bartosz: Na początku stycznia 2023 wziąłem udział w projekcie Erasmus+ pod tytułem GENDED GAP, który dotyczył nierówności i miał miejsce w Porto, w Portugalii. W trakcie projektu przyjrzeliśmy różnym aspektom życia, w których można odnaleźć przykłady nierówności. Wziąłem udział w aktywnościach, które odbywały się zarówno w naszym miejscu przebywania w Gandrze i poza tym miejscem. W trakcie projektu brałem udział w dyskusji o nierównościach płciowych oraz innych różnicach dotyczących warunków życia. Odbyły się również wieczorki kulturowe, które były dla nas okazją, by poznać wzajemnie nasze państwa i zintegrować. Cieszę się, że miałem okazję dołączyć do tego projektu i aktywnie w nim uczestniczyć.

Ela: In January I had a chance to participate in an Erasmus+ project in Porto, Portugal. It was an amazing, eye-opening experience which made me realize how our voice is important in the world. During our stay in Porto through all kinds of project activities I could see the situation of gender inequalities in different countries but also in the entire world. It made me realize how deep the problem is and that the change has to start within us. Many debates showed me how many of us care about the issue and how many are ready to do something about it. The cultural night helped me learn new things about each of the participant countries. Thanks to group activities I've made friends for life. I'm very grateful for the opportunity that I was given and I'm ready to start sharing new knowledge and skills with others in my society.

Julianna: It was an amazing project and it I like it too much. Despite the fact that my english werent so good I had very good time in the project and a lot of activities. 

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